Sustainable Packaging Trends Report in the Beverage Industry

A new report from packaging company Tetra Pak shows that consumers have a high level of support for sustainable packaging. However, due to supply chain and high price issues, many companies are still striving to implement changes in their packaging to make it more sustainable. This report delves into consumer reactions to the use of sustainable packaging, as well as the impact of high prices on the supply chain and overall government legislation on packaging.   Although there is widespread public support for companies' initiatives to make packaging more sustainable, the report shows that there are some difficulties in implementing these measures in practice, largely due to economic factors affecting the company's supply chain and changing their priorities.Consumer attention to sustainable packagingAccording to this report, people are increasingly concerned about the sustainability of packaging.56% of consumers believe that the government should raise awareness of sustainability issues such as sustainable packaging. In addition, 70% of consumers believe that companies have a responsibility to take more measures to make their packaging sustainable, and 69% of consumers value companies that do so.Alex Henriksen, Managing Director of Tetra Pak UK and Nordic, stated that sustainable packaging innovation is "driven by increasing consumer pressure".According to research, two-thirds of consumers attach great importance to companies that take measures to provide recyclable food and beverage, which means that business leaders must innovate to keep up with the constantly changing expectations of consumers. Decarbonization efforts and sustainability certificates are now also related to the purchasing behavior of over half of consumers in the UK and Ireland, which means that failure to establish a clear commitment to more sustainable packaging not only affects brand reputation, but also the bottom line of businesses . Henriksen stated that the food industry can "build on this progress and educate consumers on the importance of reducing waste, such as improving environmental labelingChallenge. However, due to supply chain issues and high prices, this is easier said than done.pictureAlthough 36% of food and beverage manufacturers believe sustainability is important, 41% of manufacturers are hindered by supply chain issues, which makes implementing sustainable packaging difficult.For example, shortages of raw materials or rising prices hinder companies from making their packaging more sustainable. 28% of respondents stated that rising fuel costs are a barrier.  Rsearch shows that shortages of raw materials and rising prices remain the two major supply chain challenges faced by businesses today, both hindering the use of renewable and low-carbon materials, thereby hindering investment in more sustainable packaging development. Leaders' priorities are also changing. Although 70% of business leaders still believe they should take more measures to address climate change, due to the current socio-economic situation, 93% Business leaders prioritize other priorities. To alleviate this situation, we must collaborate with partners in the value chain and the government to establish a more sustainable circular economy.   This will help enhance the resilience of the global food system, as careful consideration of materials and further innovation and cooperation in recycling infrastructure will improve food access and security. This will reduce dependence on resources and alleviate these pressures in the long term The report also outlines the government's response to recycling, pointing out that their policies around the climate crisis have developed in isolation. So far, the government has been treating issues such as climate change and climate waste in isolation. But there are some ways to solve this problem. These issues are interrelated, so there is an opportunity to drive industry change through effective policies. Information source: Disclaimer: The manuscripts and pictures published on this account are used for internal communication, and the source of the article are indicated in a prominent place. If copyright is involved, or the copyright owner is unwilling to publish on this platform, please contact us to remove the work.