Coca-Cola finds new alternative to plastic shrink wrap: launching cardboard and paper version

Coca-Cola has launched new secondary packaging for 1.5 liter multi packs of Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite in Austria: which will save plastic and significantly reduce production energy costs, says the company. Lite Pac Top is a new type of cardboard which forms a structure to keep the necks of each bottle in place; while a paper wrap keeps the body of the bottles together. The 100% recyclable cardboard and paper wrap is easy to carry and recycle and the pilot project in Austria will initially save about 200 tonnes of plastic in Austria each year, says Coca-Cola. The packaging is the result of a partnership between Coca-Cola HBC, Krones, DSSmith and Mondi. Over the last three years, the companies have been developing and refining the new carrier and the production equipment to produce it. Before launch, the packaging was tested for quality, consumer appeal and to check it was easy to carry drinks home. It can support the weight of a six pack of 1.5 liter bottles, or around 9 kg: and the pilot project 'could signal the beginning of the end for shrink wrap packing of large and heavy multi pack bottles! Coca-Cola says Lite Pac Top is an important milestone for the company, which aims to be net zero by 2040. Copyright - Unless otherwise stated all contents of this web site are o 2023 - Wiliam Reed Ltd - ARights Reserved - Full details for the use of materials on this site can be found in the Terms &Conditions