Alcohol-free beer has become the new favorite of the industry, and taste improvement is related to development

Recently, the alcohol-free craft beer brand "New Zero Beer" received capital investment from Yu Minhong, and the registered capital was changed from 1,273,900 to 1,343,100. New Zero Beer is a non-alcoholic craft beer brand, focusing on the research, development and production of non-alcoholic craft beer, and advocating to provide users with a "happy and healthy lifestyle".   The so-called non-alcoholic beer does not refer to beer that is completely non-alcoholic. The "Non-Alcohol Beer" group standard issued by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association in October 2021 pointed out that non-alcoholic beer is beer with an alcohol content of less than or equal to 0.5% vol. Among them, 0.0% non-alcoholic beer is beer with an alcohol content of less than 0.05% vol.   The manufacturing methods of alcohol-free beer at home and abroad can be divided into two categories: limited fermentation method and de-alcohol method after normal fermentation. Alcohol-free beer uses barley as the main raw material, rice as the auxiliary material, adds hops, and after saccharification, special yeast is used in the fermentation process, and a special process fermentation method is used to control the alcohol content in the brewing process. Carbon dioxide-containing wine.     In recent years, with the rise of the concept of "rational drinking", especially with the evolution of the high-end development trend of beer, mid-to-high-end non-alcoholic beer has ushered in rapid development, and its alcohol content is low, which is in line with the health pursuit of contemporary young people. The characteristics of the concept of life have attracted many consumers.   The beer track has entered a bottleneck period since 2013. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China's beer production was 50.615 million kiloliters in 2013, and dropped to 49.22 million kiloliters in 2014. By 2020, beer production has dropped to 34.111 million kiloliters.   Craft beer and non-alcoholic beer are regarded by some companies as two categories to help their own transformation and upgrading. In the "New Year Beer Report" released by, non-alcoholic beer is very popular because it is more in line with people's growing concept of health, and the turnover in 2021 will increase by 8 times year-on-year. Chongqing Beer, Yanjing, Tsingtao Beer, China Resources and other established beer companies have successively launched related products, trying to transform to high-end and personalized.   However, due to the low alcohol content of non-alcoholic beer, the flavor may be weak. For some consumers who drink emotionally, the value of non-alcoholic beer to stimulate emotions is low. In addition, compared with traditional beer, non-alcohol beer has a slightly bitter taste, and some consumers report that the taste of related products is not pure. These are all issues that non-alcoholic beer cannot ignore and avoid.   In order to ensure the taste of alcohol-free beer, major brands can only continue to carry out technological transformation. Yanjing non-alcohol white beer retains the key volatile aroma during the beer dealcoholization through the dealcoholization technology, and solves the common pain point of "no alcohol taste" in non-alcohol beer. New Zero has also made detailed adjustments to the brewing equipment and process, creating a set of sake brewing methods. New Zero has stated that the brewing method can retain the flavor and taste of beer while removing alcohol and high calories, and does not destroy the added nutrients.   Low alcohol content can be an advantage or a disadvantage of a non-alcoholic beer. How to enhance the strengths and avoid weaknesses and improve the taste of non-alcoholic beer is a necessary issue that enterprises need to consider in the production process.